..and we hope you'll soon join them

All of our clients have something nice to say about us. We'll gladly put you touch with them so you can hear them yourselves.


When I thought something was way out of reach, you helped bring it nearer.. and nearer .. and closer and then went the extra mile to actually make it happen. I owe you many thanks. Thank You!
Please convey my thanks to Brad too; he made a laborious task almost fun; frightening but fun!

I love my home!

Micheal Breslin. Homebuyer Sept 2002



Dear Rebecca,

We were so happy you represented us. From the very beginning we thought you did a great job - and would have thought that even if you hadn't sold our house in one day! You gave us attention above and beyond what was expected. You made selling our home easy.

Thank You.

Suzanne and Adrian. Homesellers, San Jose. July 2002